District Council Elections

Update on election from 3 May

Knebworth Ward has fallen to the Lib Dems in spite of all the hard work put in by my supporters and me. A very intensive campaign from the Lib Dems paid off with a victory for first time candidate Lisa Nash. The full results were as follows: Name of Candidate | Political Party | Votes cast | Elected? :————————-: | ———————-:| —————-:| :————-: Steve HEMINGWAY | Conservative Party | 742 | N Klazina HOFMANN| Labour Party | 141 | N Lisa NASH | Liberal Democrats | 957 | Y Nick NEWSON | Green Party | 29 | N Electorate: 3992 | Ballot papers counted:1876 | Ballot papers rejected:0 | Turnout: 46.99% The overall North Hertfordshire results were: five down for Conservatives, with three and two gains respectively for the Lib Dems and Labour. The makeup of the council is now: * Conservative 29 * Labour 14 * Lib Dem 6 For the full results, please visit the NHDC website . I will fight again should I be lucky enough to be selected again as your candidate. To all my supporters: thanks for all your votes and support with the campaign. Please get in touch if you’d like to help me next time.

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