Main Modifications of Local Plan

Mods which relate to Knebworth

MM 283 - MM 296 are the relevant paragraphs. The Main Modifications will be considered by the Council’s Cabinet at a special meeting on Monday 10 December 2018.

Subject to their approval, consultation will then be held on the Main Modifications. This consultation will also provide the opportunity to comment on the additional work produced by the Council following the hearing sessions. Details of the consultation will be published on the NHDC website following the Cabinet meeting.

MM 285: “Transport Assessment to consider the cumulative impacts of sites KB1, KB2 and KB4 upon key junctions and rail crossing points for all users, including walkers and cyclists, and secure necessary mitigation or improvement measures;”

MM 286: “Approximately two hectares of land to the south of Gypsy Lane and adjoining the existing settlement reserved as an appropriate site for provision of 1FE Primary School”

MM 288: “Land north of Watton Road reserved for long-term secondary education”

MM 295: “Our transport modelling does not identify any specific mitigation scheme requirements for Knebworth. However, the high street, including the junction of Stevenage Road/London Road/Watton Road and Station Road, is a known pinch point, particularly when delays or incidents on the A1(M) result in the B197 being used as an alternate route between Welwyn Garden City and Stevenage. There are also issues of poor pedestrian/cycle access along Station Road under the railway line, and similar issues at Gun Lane and new development will be expected to consider improvements to walking/cycling conditions in these locations and make reasonable contributions to secure their delivery.”

From: Main Modifications page on NHDC website.

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