Who is responsible for controlling verge parking?

Over our long, wet winter in our congested village with its inadequate parking facilities, one issue comes up time and time again. This is the anti-social habit of drivers parking with one (or more) pairs of wheels on the grass verge, turning it into a muddy wreck. The solution is to contact: 1. HCC – Herts Highways are responsible for putting bollards on grass verges as these areas are part of the highway. This is something you could approach Cllr Thake about as he could consider using his Herts locality budget to install some bollards in this location. 2. The second option is to check if there are any road markings on the street that go past the premises, as technically such restrictions continue to the back of the pavement. If there are road markings in this location then I you could approach Jon Charter, Parking Service Manager to investigate the issue from a parking enforcement point of view. Jon’s contact details are as follows: Email. Jon.charter@north-herts.gov.uk, Tel. 01462 474358. I know this is not a total solution, but it does give a few options.

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